Piers Morgan suspects ‘quite a few’ Tories will backstab Boris Johnson in confidence vote

Piers Morgan defends Queen as he shuts down Purkiss

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Piers Morgan, 57, has taken to social media to voice his prediction ahead of tonight’s no-confidence vote. The broadcaster said in full view of his 7.9 million Twitter followers that he “suspects” some ministers will vote against Boris Johnson despite having voiced their support.

Piers also claimed that the Prime Minister had “lost middle England” after he was greeted by jeers upon his arrival at the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee thanksgiving service at St Paul’s Cathedral on Friday morning.

He typed: “Suspect there will be quite a few ministers publicly declaring their support for Boris but secretly voting against him tonight.

“They all heard those boos at St Paul’s – they know he’s lost middle England.”

Other social media users were quick to respond to Piers’ tweet to debate whether the Prime Minister still had support.

AlistairGarnett said: “Notice to any wavering Conservative MP’s…

“Here in Middle England we still support Boris..

“I suspect Piers knows well the boos came from lefty agitators that never supported Boris..”

BSallyb wrote: “Agree – but who the heck replaces him?”

Haynesey89 argued: “‘Middle England’ didn’t go to St Paul’s ffs.”

Smoke_pete penned: “Nothing will happen he is Untouchable.”

Piers’ remarks come after the PM’s anti-corruption Tsar quit his role this morning as pressure continued to mount on his position.

It happened after Sir Graham Brady, who chairs the 1922 committee of backbench Conservative MPs, announced a vote will take place between 6pm and 8pm tonight.

Under the party’s rules, if 54 MPs write to Sir Graham declaring no confidence in Mr Johnson a ballot must be held.

In a press release issued shortly after 8am this morning, Sir Graham announced the upcoming vote.

He said: “The threshold of 15 percent of the parliamentary party seeking a vote of confidence in the leader of the Conservative Party has been exceeded.

“In accordance with the rules, a ballot will be held between 6pm and 8pm today Monday June 6.”

Sir Graham said some MPs who sent in letters to the 1922 committee chairman last week post-dated submissions in order to not overshadow the Jubilee celebrations.

A No. 10 spokesman said the PM “welcomed” the vote as an opportunity to put an end to months of internal Tory disagreements.

They said: “Tonight is a chance to end months of speculation and allow the Government to draw a line and move on, delivering on the people’s priorities.

“The PM welcomes the opportunity to make his case to MPs and will remind them that when they’re united and focused on the issues that matter to voters there is no more formidable political force.”

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