Source Says Lilibet Leak Is Sign of "Royal Panic" Over Potential Second Meghan and Harry Interview with Oprah

Looks like the royal family are once again spiraling over Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, and Oprah Winfrey. In case you missed it, the Sussexes were spotted driving to Oprah’s $100 million mansion in Montecito in June, sparking speculation that the royal couple are planning another tell-all interview. This is based on literally nothing but pictures of the visit published by The Daily Mail, but apparently the royals are doing preemptive damage control.

Royal expert Daniela Elser says (via The Express) that the Palace has been acting “out-of-character” and may be in “panic mode” over the pics, and are trying to do damage control by releasing an uncharacteristically effusive description of Prince Charles’ meeting with his granddaughter Lilibet at the Queen’s Jubilee.

“Six ‘verys’ in four sentences — that has to be some sort of effusive record,” Daniela explained. “The whole thing reads like the sort of frothy briefing an LA publicist would give a supermarket tabloid, not the sort of fare that normally comes from the royal houses. Ask yourself this: when has a royal mouthpiece ever voluntarily gushed before?”

“The possibility that they might be considering going another round with the billionaire TV host, along with the fact that Harry’s memoir is set to be published in coming months, suddenly casts all of this out-of-character make nice in a very different light,” she added. “Basically, are they trying to mollify the Duke and Duchess; a strategy of appeasement via senior aide?”

Daniela also noted that a change in tone from the Jubilee to right now, saying “The royal house looked intent on sending a very clear message during the four-day knees-up about just where the Sussexes now ranked in the pecking order. That cannot have been an easy pill to swallow. Fast forward only a month until today and the tables look like they might be turning, with Harry and Meghan looking like they are holding some pretty powerful cards.”

I mean, sure! But once again, Meghan and Harry might have just been having a casual hang at Oprah’s mansion, so the royals should probably calm down.

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