Weezer Cancel Broadway Residency Due Low Ticket Sales, High Expenses

American rock band Weezer have canceled their Broadway Residency due “low ticket sales” and “high expenses.”

In June, Weezer had announced a Broadway Residency in celebration of their mega-album project SZNZ. The five-show residency, called “SZNZ: In Residence on Broadway,” was scheduled for September 13 through 18 at the Broadway Theatre in New York, during which the band will perform songs from the SZNZ series as well as their hits.

However, according to a post by frontman Rivers Cuomo, shared to his official Discord server and subsequently re-shared on Reddit, the band was forced to cancel the shows due to “low ticket sales” and “unbelievably high expenses.”

“I just learned that our Broadway shows have been cancelled (due to low ticket sales and unbelievably high expenses.) I’m very sorry to be telling you this now after we’ve already invested so much time, thought, and emotion,” Cuomo wrote.

He added, “Extra apologies to those of you who cleared schedules and made travel plans to be with us. Thanks to @Broadway Producer for all your hard work and great ideas. I loved where we were going and I hope we can find a way to resurrect our vision.”

(Photo: Sean Murphy)

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