I'm a cleaning whizz & here are my 7 tips to keep your home dust-free…including the sock & newspaper hack you must try | The Sun

IF YOU are fed up of finding dust all over your home, fear not, we’ve got just what you need.

We spoke to Rosalind Peters, the home interior expert at beanbags.co.uk, to get her top tips and tricks for banishing dust.

Dust can be a nuisance to get rid of, but thanks to Rosalind, here are seven cleaning tips to get your home dust-free.

And don’t worry, you won’t need to go out and splash the cash on fancy cleaning products either, as these methods are all free. 

1.     Keep your windows closed when cleaning

Firstly, Rosalind stressed the importance of closing your windows when cleaning.

She said: “Dust particles can get into your house through open windows or doors. 

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“Keep all windows closed as much as possible during the day when there is no breeze outside.

“This will help keep dust from entering through open windows and doors.”

2.     Add newspaper to the top of your kitchen cabinets and wardrobes

Secondly, Rosalind shared her simple but effective newspaper hack to keep the dust at bay.

She added: “Wardrobes and cupboards tend to accumulate dust because they're high up on walls and hard to reach. 

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“To combat this problem, add old newspapers onto the tops of these areas where dust tends to settle. 

“The newspaper will soak up any excess dust before it has a chance to come into contact with surfaces below and make them dirty again. 

“What’s great is that you can get a free Metro newspaper from most high streets or public transport, so this won’t cost you a penny either.”

3.     Dust your blinds with a sock

If you have blinds in your home, Rosalind shared another free and simple hack to remove dust from them, without the faff.

She continued: “Blinds are one of the most common places in homes for dust to collect due to their size and shape. 

“You can easily clean them by placing an old sock on your hand and rubbing it against the surface of the blinds. 

“This will pick up all the dust that has accumulated on them, leaving them looking shiny and new again.”

4.     Run a lint roller over lampshades and curtains

Not only this, but Rosalind swears by using a lint roller to get dust from hard-to-reach areas.

The cleaning whizz advised: “These furnishings are likely to collect lots of dust over time due to their size and shape, especially if they're made from fabric rather than paper or plastic.

“Use a lint roller on these surfaces every couple of months just like you would with your clothes after wearing them for several days in a row.” 

5.     Place your plants on windowsills

If you’ve noticed that your plants are covered in dust too, you’ll want to take notes.

Rosalind explained: “Plants are an excellent way to keep dust at bay because they naturally absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis, which in turn releases oxygen back into the air we breathe. 

“Plants placed near windows will not only help clean the air but also help remove some of the dust particles that settle on windowsills – saving you a cleaning job in the future, too.” 

6.     Make sure you’re hoovering properly

Not only this, but according to Rosalind, it’s important that you are hoovering correctly.

She noted: “If you use an upright hoover, make sure you're using the right cleaning head for the type of flooring you have. 

“If you have wooden floors, use the floor nozzle, which is designed to pick up dust and debris from the surface, according to the manufacturer.

“The carpet head works better on carpets, while the stair vacuum is best for stairs and other hard-to-reach areas.” 

7.     Keep your home clutter free

Finally, a very simple way to reduce dust building up in your home is to ensure that you keep the place clutter free.

Rosalind concluded: “It’s simple: The more items you have lying around, the harder it’ll be to dust them. 

“Clutter is one of the most common causes of dust around the home and can affect how much dirt accumulates in different parts of the house. 

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“Make sure that you keep all clutter under control by storing items away in a designated place. 

“This is even more important for items made of fabric (such as blankets, pillows, and towels) as this material not only traps dust but can produce it too.”

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