I'm a DIY expert and you've been painting your garden fence all wrong – here's how to avoid that bubbly after effect | The Sun

HAVE you ever painted a fence or piece of furniture only for it to be left with a bubbly effect?

A DIY expert has revealed how different weather conditions can affect how good your paint job looks, and the ideal time to start your work.

According to the Amko Fence Company, if you paint when the weather is too hot, your product will dry out too fast, which can lead to an uneven finish.

However, if there is some rain, this can also have a negative effect on garden fences.

A spokesperson told the Express: “Iron fences will dry faster. If you are using an oil-based stain, then you will have to wait for the fence to be dry to the touch.

“But, if you are using a water-based stain, then it can be a little damp.”

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If your garden fence is slightly damp, then paint and stain products may struggle to stick as any water will form a layer between them.

So you should definitely avoid painting in the rain if you don’t want a “bubbly” effect.

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The Art Radar Journal added: “You should remove dirt and particulates from the fence before painting it because rainwater contains dirt and particles that will stick to it even after it has dried out.”

The experts advised checking the weather forecast at least 24 hours in advance to check if the conditions are optimal.

And the best temperature to attempt any DIY jobs is above 5C on a dry day, so paint can dry out fully without it being rained on.

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