I’m an interiors expert and these four tips will totally transform your home in just 12 hours | The Sun

SPRING is all about refreshing your home for a new start, but the prospect of redecorating can be daunting and it can be difficult to know where to begin.

However, according to one interiors expert, overhauling your decor could take less than half a day.

Rebecca Snowden, interior style advisor at Furniture and Choice, shares four tips to transform your home in just 12 hours.

1. Get creative with paint

Completion time: Four-five hours

“A key interior trend for 2023 is curved furniture and arches as they bring a level of softness and comfort to your home. An effective way to interpret this into your own living space is by painting an arched feature wall to zone-off the dining area. It’s the perfect way to add some personality to your space. Opt for a sunny yellow shade to energise the space.

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“Start by drawing out your desired shape (you might need to do some maths to figure out the perfect arch) and taping the outside of the lines, so that you can get an even design and tidy paint job.

"Once you’ve picked the perfect feature colour, start painting inside your shape. You will probably need a couple of coats to achieve a clean and polished look.”

2. Try zoning with colours

Completion time: Four hours

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Painting shelves is a fantastic way of zoning a roomCredit: Getty

“A lick of paint and some shelves are a great way to zone your work-from-home area in a multi-functional room. Thanks to its calming effects and stress relief, try opting for a light green colour palette in this space. 

“To help break this area up from the rest of the room, install open shelves and paint them in the same colour as the rest of the walls. This will help to make this section feel clean and seamless.”

3. Don’t forget the details

Completion time: 1-2 hours

“To welcome spring into the home, the quickest and easiest way to refresh your space is by updating your decorative accessories.

"Start by layering lots of textures for a fresh spring feel, think cottons, rattan fabrics and wicker baskets to bring an element of style and comfort into your home.

“When it comes to patterns for spring, don’t be afraid of mixing both prints and patterns together, it’s a great way to make your room pop.

"Try to find a balance with the patterns and prints you are planning to use and aim to incorporate some white elements to your space to break up any bold and vibrant décor.”

4. Spring centrepiece

Completion time: 2 hours

“With  it being Spring, opt for a pastel colour theme in your dining room space.

"The light and airy palette will help to bring a clean and fresh feel to your space. Similar to a festive tablescape, spring centrepieces and table scaping can be a great way to celebrate the season.

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“Your spring centrepiece can be as simplistic or curated as you like. Add pastel hydrangeas to delicate vases for an elegant feel or combine a mixture of your favourite spring flowers such as hyacinths, daffodils and tulips to a decorative bowl filled with oasis. 

“The oasis will help to ensure that your decorative centrepiece stays fresh for longer.”

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