Mind-blowing optical illusion tricks your brain into thinking you’re colourblind – so does it work for you? | The Sun

MOST of us have no problems seeing the world in its full technicoloured glory.

But the same can't be said for the 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women in the UK who are colourblind.

And if you’ve ever wondered what it might be like to be colourblind a new optical illusion has been designed to trick your brain into thinking you’re exactly that.

This illusion from online bingo site Jackpotjoy is designed to trick your brain into seeing colour in an image that is actually just black and white… but how?  

For the illusion to work, first you must stare at the black dot in the middle. 

Don’t look away – this is key to making the illusion work. 

on Optical Illusions

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When the black dot disappears and the image changes, it will appear to be in colour. 

But blink or look away, and you’ll see that the image is actually completely black, white and grey tones! 

It's a clever illusion that causes our brain to perceive the grey space as the original colour that we’ve seen.

Did the optical illusion work for you?

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In other optical illusions, only the top 1% of people can see the image hidden inside an image of a circle in a square.

Additionally, one illusion filled with nine different animals reveals your true personality based on the animal you spot first.

Meanwhile, the direction you think the horse is going in this optical illusion reveals if you’re left or right-brained.

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