Mum reveals sneaky hack to get kids to take medicine & it’s so good we can’t believe we haven’t thought of it before | The Sun

DO you ever find it a struggle to get your kids to take their medicine?

A mum has shared her genius trick for getting her son to happily take it – and parents can’t believe they haven’t thought of her idea before.

Neha Gandesha, 39, who frequently shares hacks on her Squashed Pickle account, shared how the key is to use a juice box.

She wrote: “Ultimate sneaky medication hack.

“So you’ve tried everything and your kid is still refusing to take their medication?

“Cut a little door out of their favourite juice box – obviously make sure it’s empty – and pop in a measuring cup with their medication.

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“Stick the straw in and serve as usual.

“I’m telling you, they will have no idea what is in there.

“They will slurp up their drinks as usual, and the best bit is they’ll only realise right at the end what is in there.

“It’s seriously the best hack ever – see all gone.”

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The London-based mum shared how son Zac, five, had finished the medication without realising at first.

She told Fabulous: “My son hates taking medication when he’s sick and this little trick really helps.”

Neha, who is a full-time kids food blogger, admitted that her son can’t fully be fooled by the end of his “slurp” but the hack has worked multiple times.

She added: “My son does realise at the end but he very quickly forgets. Try it.”

Neha also shared another way to get your child to have their medicine – mix it with yogurt.

Her hack has racked up numerous likes, and parents were quick to praise it.

One said: “Omg genius.”

Another added: “So smart.”

And a third commented: “Good idea if your kids are easily distracted by stuff.”

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