The budget Amazon buy to get rid of flies from your house – it's a total life saver | The Sun

A CLEANING whizz has revealed how she managed to banish annoying flies from her home for good thanks to an affordable buy from Amazon.

The much-waited summer is finally here – but the warmer weather has also brought long another, less welcome guest – swarms of flies taking over your garden and home.

Luckily, one woman, cleaning whizz Vanesa Amaro, has come to rescue with a simple purchase she'd found on Amazon.

''I don't know if there's someone on this world who hates flies just as much as I do – but I hate flies.''

The solution, the pro revealed in her video, is a disposable fly trap that sells for £9.99 on the popular site.

According to Vanesa, who used to be a professional housekeeper for close to a decade, this product is a ''game changer''.

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''I was having to kill, like, 20 flies inside my house every single day.

''Not anymore.''

Praising the bargain buy, Vanesa went on to explain: ''They're all attracted to this thing.

''It does stink, which is why we usually hang it from the fence and far away.''

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To prove just how effective the Amazon purchase had been, the cleaning guru also showed the plastic jar up-close – and it was full with teeny flies collected in the bottom.

''Seriously beat purchase ever [sic],'' the whizz wrote on TikTok.


The product ahs also been a hit amongst social media users, dozens of whom left positive reviews.

One delighted customer said: ''These are really effective, when they start to work they attract all the flys in the neighbourhood so move away from whe the house is or small children play [sic].

''The smell can become quite strong as well so not too close to where you are eating.''

Another raved about the summer must-have too, writing: ''So, within hours the trap was attracting flies. By two days it was full.

''Not just full but solid with dead flies. Thousands of them. I emptied the trap into an old takeaway tub and sealed it closed before disposing of it.

''The smell is bad so hang away from the house.

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''100% happy with this product and have since bought two more. Best hung up or placed in direct sunlight.''

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