Although I have lots of online friends, all I want is real life connections | The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: ALTHOUGH I have friends on social media, I’d like to learn how to socialise in the real world.

I’m an 18-year-old boy with mild autism, so I find social situations really difficult.

I’ve tried going along to parties and organised events but I find them really stressful; my mind goes blank and I don’t know how to make small talk.

It would be nice to have some friends I can hang out with, and maybe even a girlfriend one day. 

How do I learn to improve my social skills and get better at making conversation?

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DEIDRE SAYS: Making new friends can feel daunting but many people  have social anxiety, even if you can’t tell.

Find activities where you’ll meet people with shared interests, so you have something to talk about.

A good tip is to ask lots of questions.  My support pack Shyness And Social Anxiety will help you. 


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