Devastated woman catches fella cheating with best pal on Google Street View

Of all the ways you can think that someone could be caught cheating — Google Street View wouldn't usually crack the top 10.

But that's exactly what happened for one woman who happened to stumble across her fella while on the platform. The unnamed lady claimed she randomly went on there after seeing one of the search engine's vehicles passing her house and decided to follow it online.

While she was doing so, she seemed to have spotted her boyfriend on a motorbike with another woman. She said: "The person on the back didn’t look like me so I followed them."

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In certain points of a video the woman shared online, she apparently loses sight of her boyfriend’s motorcycle and had to search for him. But she recognised a side street he used to take her down.

"He went down a street where he used to take me. We always visited that little square. At that point I thought I was just being paranoid in my head, that it couldn't be him," she added.

But by the end of the video, her man is supposedly seen resting his head on a woman’s lap on a street bench. To make matters worse, the woman in question was her best friend.

The disgruntled girlfriend said in the clip: "It was my fella and my best friend. I'm devastated."

TikTok viewers were left stunned by the footage and praised Google Street View for catching the alleged cheat in the act. One viewer commented: "Google saving lives."

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Another joked: “I'm starting to think she was driving the Google car.” A third said: “It’s very unlucky for a guy to get caught by a Google car that passes once a year.”

“FBI no, Google Maps," a fourth commented. Meanwhile, another woman said: "My children's father didn't pay child support and he disappeared, so I found out where he was on Google Maps and I went there."

However, not everyone believed the clip was genuined as someone else commented: “That Google Maps vehicle did not follow them. There's something wrong here. It gives street positions, but not with that precision.”

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