I got fit and became stripper – now I make womens fantasies come true

A bloke who became a male stripper after getting back into shape during a break-up has been bringing women's fantasies to life on stage ever since.

AJ, as he is known on stage, started working out after a long-term relationship ended and decided to pursue a career in strippng.

The 24-year-old, from Birmingham, has been performing on stage with the UK Pleasure Boys for just over a year now – and has reached new heights of confidence.

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He is often seen in videos on Instagram tearing off various uniforms from soldiers to sailors, making his audiences scream and swoon as he brings their fantasies to life.

Speaking to the Daily Star, AJ said: "Well, I was in a long term relationship and my life was very repetitive. I needed a change once I come out of that relationship.

"I recently just got into pretty good shape, to be honest and I spoke to a friend – he mentioned going and doing some topless hosting.

"I had a quick phone call with John from the Pleasure Boys and then ended up going to one of the shows.

"I started doing the topless hosting and I just I looked at the strippers on the stage and I thought, 'yeah, I really want to experience that'.

"That feeling of the crowd screaming and the whole experience of it all, really."

AJ says his first show was a "write-off" which he has blocked from his mind.

He was nervous during it but his performances have gone from strength to strength.

He describes himself as a "perfectionist" and says he believes he could still be better at it.

But there are no complaints from the women in his audiences who he is often seen picking up and throwing around on stage.

He explained: "I'd like to think a good a good scream here or two, but it's kind of hard to hear when you're on stage because you kind of block everything else out and do what you've got to do.

"I'd say I pick women up on stage at every single one. I think they enjoy it. I think every woman kind of likes that fantasy of being picked up and what not."

The muscular boys are currently touring around the UK, more information about dates and locations are available on their website.

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