Mum fed up with 'greedy husband' who keeps eating the kids' food

A ‘greedy’ husband has been eating his children’s food – how unfatherly can you get?

A mum has turned to Mumsnet to seek out advice after complaining about her husband taking food that isn’t intended for him.

She wrote: ‘Once again I’ve returned home to find he’s eaten something that was bought for myself or by another member of the family as a treat and left me the communal food for me to eat.

‘Think Greggs filled doughnut V Tesco jam doughnut.

‘As a one off fair enough, but it’s time and time again. He will eat what he wants regardless of who has bought it. Gifted chocolates from clients that I’ll save, kids Easter eggs – it’s fair game.’

She continued: ‘Yet his treats never make it to the communal cupboard, they either get eaten straight away or get hidden in his car.

‘Once again it’s ‘sorry’. It’s Sunday night and I can’t even replace what’s been eaten. Am I being unfair?’

Many mums in the comments suggested she come up with her own hiding place, to play him at his own game.

‘So why are you still facilitating this,’ one wrote.

‘If he can hide his treat so can you. Perhaps you need to have a shelf each etc and say this is mine that’s yours, don’t touch. He needs to grow up really and respect boundaries. However food in a communal cupboard would be fair game in most houses unless stated otherwise.’

Others have said if it’s in the house it’s ‘fair game’ for anyone to eat, assuming everything is communal.

The original poster then said she has tried to hide things in the boot, but as soon as she takes it out, he’s all over it.

She also said she’s ‘tempted to spit on’ her next treat, because she knows he will take. Others even went as far as suggesting she uses laxatives in the food – though we don’t recommend that.

‘It’s really unhealthy and really unfair,’ one woman sympathised.

Another wrote: ‘Wasn’t there a thread recently where the wife actually left her DH [darling husband] for doing this?’

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