Neighbour refuses to remove fence built through mans garden so he takes revenge

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A homeowner has brutally got revenge on his neighbour for building a fence stretching across part of their garden.

He claims that he initially tried to be "civil" with their neighbour, requesting they put the fence back on the property line where it should be, but they apparently refused.

After running low on options, he decided to have the offending fence dismantled plank by plank, stacking the lumber up "neatly" for their neighbours.

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The bloke, who posts on TikTok under the username @unbewreathable, shared footage of two men removing the fence together, writing: "My neighbour's fence is on our property…we’ve asked them to partner with us to correct it…they refused…so here we are!"

In a follow-up video, they added: "The property lines are exactly where there are supposed to be…those saying oh I would’ve taken a free fence-would you also take depreciation on your property?"

The original video has clocked up more than 12million views and 377.7k likes, with many followers unable to believe the "cheek" of the neighbour.

The clip has divided TikTok as some users believe he went too far and that he should have been happy with his "free fence", whereas others believe he was justified, Mirror reports.

One approving person commented: "Normalise not allowing your neighbours to run over you for easing tension. If their fence stays there, they gain that property."

Another added: "Y’all don’t understand. If they allow the neighbours to fence that property, it becomes their property. The one taking it down loses equity."

A third person wrote: "I get that they wanted the fence straight for aesthetic reasons, but that was A LOT of land in the back there that they tried to claim."

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The news comes after a family were forced to go to extreme lengths to protect their privacy after realising their neighbours had set up CCTV cameras to "spy" on them from the garden.

Maddison Tucker was convinced that her neighbours are "racist" and they constantly "called the police" whenever the family was out in the backyard.

Her mum quoted the neighbour telling them: "Y'all need to be in the house by 8 o'clock. Black people now are feeling entitled because of Black Lives Matter and we have gotten out of place."


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