Playboy stars mum creeped out model with intimate Hugh Hefner present

A former Playboy model has revealed one of her pal's mum used her daughter's knickers for a present for Hugh Hefner.

Kendra Wilkinson’s mum Patty was shown on the fly-on-the-wall show Girls Next Door looking for some gift wrap so Kendra could present her “boyfriend” with a poster. Unable to find any wrapping paper, Patty decided instead to tie the poster up with a pair of Kendra’s knickers.

Her pal, Holly Madison, recalled the moment on her Girls Next Level podcast. “Isn't that weird?”she asked. “I don't want to be like super judgy over it because here's the thing – Kendra's with this old dude it is what it is probably not changing anytime soon so if Patty wants to have a sense of humour about it fine."

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“But also, part of me is thinking ‘Ooh you're digging through your daughter's drawer to find the tiniest G-string to wrap it around a present she's giving to her 80-year-old sugar daddy’.”

Holly said she found it distasteful that the moment was presented on the TV show as a “cute little family prank”.

She added that she suspected the whole scene had been set up. Holly continued: “I feel like it's one of those things where there's a field producer off-camera pointing and whispering ‘look in that drawer’ because it's just too good to be true.”

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Ten years after Hefner’s 80th, Kendra had a new gift for the elderly Playboy chief. In her own reality show Kendra on Top, she recorded a special scene featuring a hot tub full of scantily-clad women.

"I want this video to be fun, but I don't want it to be over-the-top because I'm a wife.

“Hef is married now, so, you know, it has to be nice and tasteful," she explained.. "We're just going to keep it fun, light-hearted and hopefully put a smile on his face."

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In the video, Kendra and a bevy of bikini-clad models including her sidekick Jayde Nicole cavort in the bubbling water.

"Hef, it's your 90th birthday, and we are here to fulfil all of your fantasies,” she says, “so follow us into the hot tub."

"We don't have a birthday cake for you, Hef, but we have something you might appreciate a little more," she continues, before all the women suddenly whip their tops off.

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