The Summer Solstice Wants You to Soak Up the Sun

The summer solstice occurs in the Northern Hemisphere on June 21 at 5:41 AM ET. Not only is this the longest day of the year and the day marking the beginning of summer, but it’s also the start of Cancer season. This is a magically potent day in which we will be in touch with the rhythms of the universe. Today, the connection between the spiritual and physical world that we live in deepens.

Celebrate the sun’s vitality and power during the solstice. Enjoy the rich energy and important life force that the Sun offers us. Wear flowers in your hair, have a few cocktails with friends, light a bonfire on the beach, and dance like no one’s watching.

Here’s how your zodiac sign can embrace the solstice:


Your fiery demeanor often pushes you to take on more than you can chew. Now is the time to start letting go of assignments and projects that you don’t have time for. Take some time off and relax during the summer solstice. You deserve a moment to chill without any stress.


You are longing to connect with something much bigger than yourself. This means that you will be drawn to activities like yoga, meditation, and astrology. Opening your mind to spiritual endeavors will make your heart feel comforted and filled with soulful energy.


It’s important for you to take pride in all you do and who you do it with. No matter what obstacles come your way, never let doubt hold you back from attaining your goals. You can create the world you want, Gemini. You just need to have more faith in yourself.


This is your time to shine and receive seasonal blessings. Let others see your excellence and beauty by not shying away from taking center stage. Speak up, invite others to join in your good times, and allow your friends to show you some love.


Curiosity may have been an obstacle for the common house cat, but not you! Your fierce vibe can help you find resolve without creating new issues. Focus your energies on yourself to elevate your social status. Be more selfish. Then, worry about everyone else (and only if you have time).


Friends may come and go, but the ones who are true blue will stay around forever. Declutter your circle of acquaintances by aligning with those who bring you joy and happiness. Disconnect, even if only for a little while, from people who add stress and worry to your world,


A major work opportunity is coming your way. However, you aren’t sure if you want to invest the time and energy needed to excel professionally right now. Find a balance between your personal and professional life so you don’t have to put your Hot Girl Summer on hold.


You’re longing to understand the world around you, which is why this is an ideal time for you to get out of your comfort zone and to take a road trip. Your wanderlust sentiments will be fulfilled, as long as you allow yourself to have fun and enjoy the time away.


This is a magical day in that should ignite your intuition. Trust your gut over practicality when it comes to making decisions about personal matters. You’ll find that only you know what is the best path for you.


Relationships take work; even the easiest of friendships and partnerships are definitely complex. Instead of running away from making changes, give these relationships more of your time and energy. Allow positive growth to happen with those you care about. That way things can only get better.


Plant new blooms or veggies under the Sun. If you start using your green thumb during the solstice, it will lead you into a new activity that will last all year long. Think of this endeavor as your intro to gardening 101 and the beginning of a new venture.


Change may be hard for others, but it’s not for you. Use the solstice as a time to transform and evolve your heart and mind. Instead of dwelling on the past, try to live in the present and focus on the now. You’ll feel lighter and calmer.

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