Woman gets revenge on sugar daddy scammers by jokily wasting their time

Some people seek out sugar daddy relationships as they want to live the high life.

But unfortunately, there are some men that prey on this by sliding into women's DMs in the hope of tricking them.

Comedian and TikTok user Meg discovered that she had been messaged by a stranger on Instagram.

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Despite the alleged sugar daddy asking Meg what she would do if $5000 was deposited into her account – he was not the real deal and just was posing as an older bloke.

Luckily, the comedian caught on that this loaded fella was in fact a ‘scammer’.

Instead of blocking him, Meg decided to have some fun – and also waste the posers time.

In a TikTok clip that has racked 2.1 million views, Meg shared a series of screenshots from their exchange on Instagram.

“Recently I’ve been messaging the sugar daddy scammers on Instagram for my own entertainment and to waste their f***ing time – I’ve got a beauty", she explained.

“Got a message from a man called Big Jeff and he said if $5000 was deposited into your cash app, what will you use it for?

“And I said hello Big Jeff, what a question. He goes ‘yeah’.

“Because I’m a girl boss, I said I’d probably use it to invest in my newest invention. Tailored suits for slugs”, she quipped.

Seeming unfazed, ‘Big Jeff’ then asked if it would “be nice” if Meg sent over her cash tag – which is the code for money transfer site Cash App.

Ignoring what the ‘scammer’ proposed, Meg asked if he wanted to learn more about her slug themed ‘business idea’ before the supposed thousands of dollars hit her account.

Meg quipped: “Picture the scene, you’re walking down the street. You see a slug. You think, dayum that slug needs a suit. Then you look up and see a sparkling billboard with the words. SUITS FOR SLUGS in bright yellow letters.

And, it seems ‘Big Jeff’ was quite fond of Meg’s slug suit empire.

He wrote: “Good idea.”

Continuing pitching her business idea, Meg said: “Yeah, not gonna lie I think big things are coming.”

To which the ‘scammer’ wrote: “In one word, you’ll like to create a billboard.”

After Meg declared she was a ‘girl boss’, ‘Big Jeff’ got back onto asking her for the cash tag.

“I’m going to play dumb, and I said ‘what is cash tag?’”, the comedian continued.

After she pretended not to know what cash tag or Cash App was, the ‘scammer’ replied: "It’s an electronic payment meant for loved ones across all countries.

“You know PayPal”, ‘Jeff’ asked.

Sticking to her clueless woman role, Meg continued to ask the bloke what the above were.

She said: “Also can you CashApp for people that you don’t consider loved ones? Like acquaintances or even enemies.”

Big Jeff then urged Meg to download the app and attempted to convince her that Cash App is for “enemies too”.

Hilariously, the comedian told a porky and said that the App Store is closed on Sundays and continued to ask ‘Big Jeff’ if he has the “opening times” for it – although it will always be in use on a mobile phone.

It got to the point where the ‘scammer’ was getting so riled up by Meg’s antics that he took a screenshot of the App Store and told her to type in PayPal.

The comedian felt like ‘Big Jeff’ was getting a little ‘touchy’ at this point – but continued the wind up.

Taking the mick, Meg wrote over the screenshot "closed on Sunday" to attempt to fool the ‘scammer’.


And, it seemed to work as he told her to try the next day instead.

After the ‘scammer’ ignored Meg’s messages, she sent him two pictures of slugs and declared that she had been scouting models for her slug suit venture.

He gushed that her business is “beautiful” and Meg replied that the pair are in love – well not quite…

People have since praised Meg for her efforts in keeping the ‘scammer’ preoccupied – and some even may have dealt with ‘Big Jeff’ themselves.

One person giggled: “The App Store closed on Sundays got me.”

Another user added: “I get so many messages like that on IG & I never reply but now I’m thinking I should start.”

While a third person voiced: “Big Jeff also wrote to me, I think we have to fight over him.”

Someone else chuckled: “This has made my day.”

Meanwhile, a fifth person said: “Him saying ‘yes you can use cash app for enemies’ absolutely took me out.”


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