Your Leo Monthly Horoscope for October

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Calling all witches, Leo! October is here, and the month starts off with some extraordinary news on October 1 as Venus in Libra connects with Jupiter in Aries. A piece of information arrives to support your goals. This astro weather also ushers in a more harmonious time with siblings and extended family. Plus, if you’re learning a new skill, it finally may click. This is followed up with even more luck on October 2 when Mercury finally stations direct in Virgo. Mercury Retrograde be gone! Financial matters that have been causing headaches clear up, and you’re feeling like you’re in charge of your budget once again. If you’ve been waiting on a bonus or delayed payment, it should arrive soon!

The Full Moon in Aries on October 9 brings adventure and information your way! You may be planning a trip, signing up for a course, or undergoing a shift in perspective. You’re craving new experiences. If you’re ready to showcase your talent, you may receive an opportunity to share your talents with the world. Mercury re-enters Libra on October 10 and misunderstandings finally clear up. You’re better able to understand others’ perspectives, and people finally seem to understand your motives a bit better.

It’s time for one of your dreams to finally come to life on October 18 when Venus in Libra mingles with Mars in Gemini. If you sent out a pitch or query, you could receive favorable news today. Send out that application today! Benefactors and people of influence will notice you and your skills under these starry skies. Don’t sell yourself short. The following day on October 19, some drama arrives when the Sun and Venus, both in Libra, clash with Pluto in Capricorn. You can easily feel overwhelmed with all you have to do. If you haven’t been honoring your boundaries and saying no, your hectic schedule may add some stress to your life. This is also a powerful day to share about some of your life experiences. You may feel called to discuss taboo topics or address conflicts that have gone on for far too long.

The Sun and Venus share one more major moment together in Libra on October 22 when they meet up at the same exact point in the sky, known as a cazimi. This is a rebirthing moment for Venus, planet of love and values. Clarity and realizations arrive. Pay special attention to topics of discussion and people you interact with today.

The mood shifts on October 23 when the Sun and Venus enter Scorpio—yes, it’s Scorpio season! You’re ready to slow down and reprioritize your rest. Your attention turns inward, and you may find yourself spending more time with your family. This month can bring a period of harmony within your living environment or with your loved ones. Enjoy it!

Cosmo Merch: Leo

A New Moon and solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25 brings a fresh start in the sector of your chart that rules family, property, ancestry, and your living situation. This could signal a big move, the purchase or selling of property, or a change within your family dynamic. Eclipses speed up timelines and bring about fated events–events can have a karmic feeling right now. Jupiter re-enters Pisces on October 27 and may bring inheritance or joint contracts your way. If you’re investing, you may see some positive pay-offs. You may also be settling debt or feeling like you’re in a more positive financial situation. You’re feeling supported right now.

There’s time for one more round of intense conversations on October 27 as Mercury in Libra clashes with Pluto in Capricorn. What has gone unaddressed for far too long? Battles of wills and egos can take place, and if you’ve been noticing some skewed power dynamics, they’re worth addressing. You may even feel called to share some of the skeletons in your closet.

A major event occurs when Mars Retrograde begins in Gemini on October 30—Mars will remain in Gemini until March of next year! This period is a time to rework your ambitions and goals for the future. Whatever you think is the right path forward will undergo some renovation over the coming months. Do your best to see this as a course correction, not a derailing. Any setbacks or delays are so you can ensure you’re investing your energy into a project that’s truly worthwhile. The universe has your best interests at heart!

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