Adam dumps wife Sarah after sex betrayal in Corrie

Adam Barlow (Sam Robertson) has ended his marriage to wife Sarah (Tina O’Brien) in dramatic scenes, leaving his wedding ring behind as he left their flat.

Sarah had steeled herself to confess her affair with Damon Hay (Ciaran Griffiths), mostly because her son Harry had clocked them kissing.

Adam couldn’t get his head around it, especially when a distressed Sarah admitted that is had been more than just a kiss.

She explained that it had been lust and excitement which drove her to the secret passion, with Adam declaring he was going to kill Damon.

He stormed into the Bistro event and made to attack his love rivals, only to be pulled back.

However, he declared what Sarah had done to the packed eatery and, when he discovered Dee-Dee (Channique Sterling-Brown) had known, he sacked her on the spot.

When he returned home, Sarah shared her hopes that they could work things out but it’s seemingly not to be.

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‘It’s just the worst and the guilt is incredible,’ Tina O’Brien sighed as she explained Sarah’s feelings to us.

‘When she tries to explain to Adam why, she confesses it was lust basically, it was an escape from just being someone’s mum, someone’s wife, someone at work.

‘She’s just basically about to throw grenade into the marriage, so I think 10 out of 10, she’s off the scale scared that the marriage will end.’

She has a good right to be as Adam tells her she’s not the woman he married before leaving the ring behind.

Tina added: ‘The guilt, the feeling of disgust at herself and also the realisation that she could potentially have ruined everything are just overwhelming because she does still really want to be with Adam.’

Is this truly the end? Sarah will try everything to make amends, but it may be too late.

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