Adam fears that Sarah is cheating with Owen in another Corrie affair

Adam Barlow’s (Sam Robertson) paranoia after Sarah Platt’s (Tina O’Brien) recent betrayal in Coronation Street starts to slowly take over his life as he begins to question near enough everything Sarah is saying.

After Sarah confessed that she had an affair with Damon (Ciaran Griffiths), Adam was delivered another shock when she said that she’s pregnant and doesn’t actually know who the father is.

In the initial aftermath, Adam agreed to try and rebuild his marriage but it hasn’t been easy. Despite the fact Sarah is constantly reassuring him, Adam is continuously bothered by the fact Damon still works on the cobbles.

Not only that, but he’s also left wondering how truthful Sarah is being in her day to day life, recently accusing her of lying about cancelling their lunch date so she could see someone else.

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One person who is also troubling Adam right now is Owen (Ben Hull), the businessman who has bought Carla’s (Alison King) shares in Underworld.

Coming up, Adam admits to Daniel (Rob Mallard) that he loves Sarah, but he’s struggling to trust her and doesn’t like her spending so much time with Owen.

Popping by the factory at lunch, Adam learns that Sarah is at a hotel with Owen and as his anxiety grows, he arrives looking for a fight.

But is Sarah really cheating again, or is there an innocent explanation?

‘He’s drinking a lot, he’s stressed obviously, he’s devastated emotionally’, Sam Robertson told us.

‘I’d like to think he’s not on a path to self-destruct but I think he’s just overwhelmed by it all. He’s been totally blindsided and devastated, he just didn’t see it coming.

‘After everything that happened with Lydia he thought things were smooth, that they were in a good place, they were talking about having a baby and expanding their family so to discover what’s happened has just stunned him.’

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