Coronation Street fans work out which resident exposes Sarah after lie

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During tonight’s episode of Coronation Street Sarah Barlow (played by Tina O’Brien) lied to Adam Barlow (Samuel Robertson) about receiving the results of the paternity test – and fans seem to think they have worked out who will expose her.

After finding out she was pregnant, they both decided that a paternity test would be important to put their minds at ease and to work out where they go next.

Tonight, Adam had a panic attack during a court case as the pressure of the test results weighed on him.

Returning home, he told Sarah: “I was standing up in court, I was saying the words, but I had all these thoughts going around in my head about you, about Damon.

“About whether I am the father of this baby… It is like this weight on me, Sarah, knowing that we agreed to a termination if the baby is his, but I just know what that is going to do to you.”

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Interrupting him, she panicked and said: “Hey, you don’t have to worry about that now,” leaving Adam to jump to the conclusion: “What do you mean? I’m the father?

“Can I see the letter?” with Sarah smiling and responding: “No… because they phoned.”

He jumped from his seat and began speaking about a fresh start for the family, before leaving to get some non-alcoholic prosecco from the shop.

As Adam left the shop, he bumped into his brother Daniel Osbourne (Rob Mallard) and excitedly revealed the news of the paternity test.

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Daniel questioned: “Congratulations! So what did they actually say these things, are they 100 percent accurate?

“They called you? “They didn’t send you a letter? They should send it to you in writing too…” before leaving Adam in his bubble of happiness.

Viewers of the show took to their Twitter accounts and claimed Daniel is going to work out Sarah’s lie and will out her to Adam and the family.

User Clawmaw asked: “Is Adam really believing that there’s no letter? #Corrie #CoronationStreet.”

@EmperorMendoza commented: “For a lawyer, he’s such a f***ing gullible idiot. Even Daniel knows you should be informed in writing #corrie #coronationstreet.”

@MargyMoo added: “#CoronationStreet Let’s hope Adam finds the letter…”

@Margare16040532 said: “#CoronationStreet Sarah is such a liar, but hey, so long as she gets what she wants.”

Michelle Walker penned: “Well that secret clearly won’t stay hidden for long, will it? #Corrie #CoronationStreet.”

Dave Wilkes theorised: “Mmmm I have a feeling that Daniel is gonna be the bearer of bad news and tell Adam she lied to him about getting the results….” (sic)

Coronation Street airs Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8pm on ITV.

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