Elvis girlfriend Linda slams film: Elvis did not curl up and die after Priscilla left

40th anniversary special edition of 'Aloha from Hawaii'

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The new film has been heavily praised and promoted by Priscilla and her daughter, The King’s only child, Lisa Marie Presley. There has been universal praise for Austin Butler’s evocation of the greatest icon in music history. However, many fans, as well as Elvis’ own family (on his mother Gladys’ side) and Linda Thompson have all questioned why so many important people and moments were erased – especially in the portrayal of the star’s final years. Linda posted today: “Elvis did not curl into a fetal position and give up on life in 1973.”

The movie shows Priscilla finally leaving Elvis after his historic televised concert, Aloha From Hawaii, on January 14, 1973.

Fans have already pointed out this is not at all true. The couple actually separated in February 1972 and quickly filed for divorce. The actual divorce was finalised in October 1973, but Elvis had already been with Linda for fifteen months by then, since July 1972.

Linda has already spoken out once about being dropped from Elvis’ story, saying: “I literally saved his life on several occasions… So any inclusion or exclusion in any movie ever made can never erase the important role I played in his life and he in mine. But every true fan already knows that. Thank you all for your loyalty.”

And now the row has centred on the extraordinary Aloha From Hawaii show, where Linda was by The King’s side.

Linda has proudly posted about the show, pointing out that it is the only time in history an artist has been broadcast live around the world. The audience was over 1 billion people, a truly staggering number in 1973.

She previously said: “It was the first-ever satellite beamed television show and split-screen TV production! More than 1 billion people in more than 40 countries viewed this special. I’d call that pretty significant! Further proof that Elvis did not curl into a fetal position and give up on life in 1973. He had more years of happiness…living, loving and laughing!”


Linda has proudly posted about the show, pointing out that it is the only time in history an artist has been broadcast live around the world. The audience was over 1 billion people, a truly staggering number in 1973.

She previously said: “It was the first-ever satellite beamed television show and split-screen TV production! More than 1 billion people in more than 40 countries viewed this special. I’d call that pretty significant!”

Linda went on to passionately and pointedly remind everyone that the final four years of Elvis’ life were not some tragic endless and miserable decline.

Further proof that Elvis did not curl into a fetal position and give up on life in 1973. He had more years of happiness…living, loving and laughing!”

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Linda added: “Further proof that Elvis did not curl into a fetal position and give up on life in 1973. He had more years of happiness…living, loving and laughing!”

In fact, despite that popular impression of many years of overweight decline, Elvis looks remarkably healthy and full of life in the show. He had been on a diet, cut back on prescription pills and was invigorated and inspired.

And Linda previously also made it clear she would defend her place in his history: “Yes, after the first year he began to have short-lived “dalliances“ but they were never anything more than that. Facts: I always knew where his heart was. I was his only live-in girlfriend for those years. We shared incredibly intimate times together including his hospital stays. I was at every Vegas engagement, every tour, every holiday, every important event of his during those years. That defines a real girlfriend. Not someone who has an occasional rendezvous.”

Linda added: “I am very confident of my place in his history. And those who know… Really know. I’m just saying.”

Her comments about the portrayal of his final years were also echoed by Elvis’ fiancée, Ginger Alden, who he dated for the final eight months of his life.

Ginger posted: ‘I am sure fine acting was done by the cast, showcasing what made Elvis unique and special to so many of us. Please remember through some ups and downs, he did go on to love, laugh and enjoy his later life.”

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