Jeremy Clarkson rages as Diddly Squat farm hit by vandals again

Clarkson’s Farm: Trailer for season 2 of Prime Video series

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Season two of Clarkson’s Farm arrived on Prime Video earlier this month and saw Jeremy Clarkson continue to try and turn his farm Diddly Squat into a profitable enterprise. Unfortunately the Who Wants To Be A Millionaire presenter continued to face an uphill struggle with the enterprise. His efforts were hampered further by vandals who targeted the farm.

In episode one as he and his team attempted to gather the harvest, Clarkson’s second since taking over the farm, he discovered someone had started a fire in his storage area.

He pointed out the damage caused to the area by a bundle of burnt wheat that had been set alight.

Talking to camera he said: “Kaleb (Cooper) and I took the last load to our storage area and we’ve had yet another visit from the local vandals.

“That’s the bundle they burned last year and they’ve tried to burn this one this year,” he said as he pointed out the damage.

However, his main ire seemed to be aimed at the vehicles available to the local police force, which he felt were inadequate.

In what could have been a scene straight from Top Gear or The Grand Tour he explained a conversation he had with them.

“I was talking to the police about it the other day and the police, the rural crime police they have their Mitsubishi L200 taken away, which they could chase baddies in,” he said sounding exasperated.

“And they’ve been given the Vauxhall Corsa. This is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland we’re talking about the sixth richest country in the world! How the f****** hell are they going to catch anyone in a Corsa.”

The vandals didn’t stop at fire-starting and this week they became creative with their efforts.

On Sunday, Clarkson took to his Instagram to post a picture of the road sign directing people to the farm.

However, someone had changed the name Diddly Squat to “Diddly T***”.

Clarkson seemed to see the funny side though simply captioning it: “Someone’s been busy in the night.”

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Last year Clarkson believed he had been targeted by vandals when the word “soil” was spray painted across his farm shop in blue.

He was filmed looking stunned as protestors cheered, waved placards and held up a banner proclaiming: “Soil has feeling, Clarkson doesn’t.”

Alongside that they dumped a pile of compost on his car much to his horror.

At the time mages of the incident showed a number of small tents set up at the farm, as well as a sign that said: “No more seeds, no more toil, keep your tractors off our soil.”

This came after Chadlington residents called for the shop to be closed until traffic issues were resolved and it was assumed the protest was somehow related to this.

However, it turned out Clarkson was a victim of a practical joke by Ant and Dec for their hit show Saturday Night Takeaway.

The protesters were in fact actors hired by the show.

Taking to social media, Clarkson revealed: “All boll**ks. It was Ant and Lard c**king about.”

Clarkson’s Farm season one and two is available on Prime Video.

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