Spoilers: Amelia gets shock news about her pregnancy in Emmerdale

Amelia Spencer (Daisy Campbell) is struggling on her own with some major life decisions on Emmerdale, as she recently discovered she’s pregnant.

In upcoming episode, Amelia books an appointment at an abortion clinic, but is shocked to discover that her pregnancy might be too far advanced for the procedure to be allowed.

To her relief, it’s later confirmed that she’s within the allowed dates. Even so, she finds the decision a difficult one, particularly as she has nobody to confide in. When she goes back for the procedure she’s feeling scared and lonely and it’s all too much for her.

She rushes out of the clinic – and bumps into Charity (Emma Atkins). She tells Charity why she’s at the clinic and she’s grateful when Charity decides to support her and the pair go back for Amelia’s appointment.

When Charity discovers how far long Amelia’s pregnancy is, she mentally does the calculations and comes to a shock conclusion – the father of Amelia’s baby must be Noah (Jack Downham), who is currently serving a prison sentence for stalking and harassment.

Is that why Amelia has been so keen to visit Noah in prison?

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