Tipping Point contestant left red-faced as Ben Shephard mocks question blunder

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A contestant was left red-faced on the latest episode ITV’s Tipping Point after host Ben Shephard savagely laughed in her face and had to pause his questioning to recover.

Contestant Emily had been off to a slow start in the trivia show having been slow to answer any of the questions in the first round.

When she finally did pipe up, the answer she gave left Ben in stitches, along with the public.

She was asked: “Alan Lane named the publishing company he founded in 1935 after which flightless bird?”

Emily, keen to bring in some cash having bagged zero so far, buzzed in first, replying: “lady bird.”

Ben immediately was seen bowling over in laughter for several seconds before an embarrassed Emily said: “is it too late to change?”

After taking a few more seconds to regain his composure, Ben said: “Oh Emily, yes it is too late the change. You’ve answered. Obviously we were looking for a bird not an insect. It was a penguin, that was the answer.”

To which Emily replied: “Yeah I’ve got that now.”

Ben then resumed his bout of laughter having clearly not got it out of his system yet.

“Oh Emily I’m so sorry,” said Ben through fits of laughter.

Fans took to Twitter to react: “Ben mugged Emily off dirty. She's pi**ed,” said one viewer.

A second added: “Emily you should have stayed quiet – Ladybird FFS.”

While a third blasted: “Ladybird, Emily is a dozey bird.’

Despite her question blunder, Emily made it to the final two against contestant Parveen, who scored a lead early on with a drop of 16 counters in the first round.

After Parveen landed a £350 drop, she also scored the double counter and soared ahead even further with a £700 addition to her prize pot.

Emily was sent packing having only banked £1600 vs Parveen’s £2750.

This isn’t the first time Ben has left a player red-faced over a silly answer.

He recently accused a contestant of treason after a major royal family gaffe.

As contestant Cleland took on Ben in a Q&A, he was asked a question about the Duchess of Cambridge, but it was his answer that left Ben and the rest of the studio speechless.

Ben Asked: “What is the maiden name of the Duchess of Cambridge?”

After buzzing in first, Cleland paused, before answering “Kate.”

A shocked Ben, who also paused in shock, repeated the question with an emphasis on maiden name, leaving Cleland holding his head is his hand with embarrassment.

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  • Tipping Point

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