The Argentinian Trump who has sparked a 'political tsunami'

The Argentinian Trump who has sparked a ‘political tsunami’: Ex-rocker Javier Milei has won legions of supporters with plans to ‘chainsaw’ public services and ban abortions – and could be the nation’s next president

  • Milei, a self-styled ‘anarcho-capitalist’, shook up the Argentine presidential race
  • The fiery former rocker’s larger-than-life personality has endeared him to voters

Argentina’s political landscape has a new star in Javier Milei.

The fiery and wild-haired former rocker, who played in a Rolling Stones cover band and frequently belts out renditions of classic rock hits to his adoring fans, sparked a ‘political tsunami’ on Sunday when he won the largest share of the vote in open primary elections.

But the 52-year-old economist and self-confessed ‘anarcho-capitalist’ is by no means just a gimmick. 

In addition to his larger-than-life persona, Milei – an admirer of former U.S. President Donald Trump – has announced a slew of hard-right policies that have endeared him to Argentina’s inflation-stricken populous.

Much like his American idol, Milei is brash and outspoken. He has openly declared his intentions to abolish Argentina’s Central Bank, has argued the sale of human organs should be legal, and believes climate change is a lie. 

He has pledged to ‘blow up’ the political status quo, ‘dollarise’ the economy and massively shrink the state, all while banning abortions and ‘taking a chainsaw’ to public services and ‘the aberration called social justice’, which he claims is ‘synonymous with budgetary deficit’.

Argentine presidential candidate Javier Milei of La Libertad Avanza alliance looks on as he casts his vote at a polling station during Argentina’s primary elections, in Buenos Aires, Argentina August 13, 2023

Javier Milei, the presidential candidate of the Liberty Advances coalition, smiles at his campaign headquarters after polling stations closed during primary elections in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sunday, Aug. 13, 2023

Milei runs on the campaign slogan: ‘I did not come here to guide lambs, I came to wake up lions.’

The bulldog attitude is reflected in his treatment of his opponents, to whom he gives no quarter. 

He has vowed to ‘kick the ass’ of opposition politicians he labels ‘robbers’, ‘thieves’ and ‘parasites who have never worked’, blaming them for Argentina’s economic crisis that sees inflation soaring at 116 per cent. 

The economist maintains the same wild energy in his personal life. 

Single and childless, Milei has told Argentine television of his sexual voracity and escapades, claiming he has had a number of threesomes throughout his life while telling Miami-based media outlet Infobae of his knowledge of sexual yoga – something he claims gives him the power to go three months without ejaculating.

But somewhere in between all the sex and the rock concerts, Milei has made plenty of time for studies. 

After obtaining an economics degree, ‘La Peluca – Milei’s nickname that translates as ‘The Wig’ thanks to his eccentric hairstyle – went on to become a professor in the subject, on which he has written nine books. 

Even the names of his five English Mastiffs – Conan, Milton, Murray, Robert and Lucas – pay tribute to some of the prominent figures in his field: Milton Friedman, Murray Rothchild and Robert Lucas. 

The firebrand’s momentous arrival on the political scene in Argentina has impressed analysts, many of whom believe he could well win October’s elections.

Javier Milei, presidential candidate of the Liberty Advances coalition, speaks at his campaign headquarters after polling stations closed during primary elections in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sunday, Aug. 13, 2023

Argentine far-right libertarian economist and presidential candidate Javier Milei celebrates the results of the primary elections with his sister Karina Milei at Milei’s headquarters in Buenos Aires on August 13, 2023

‘Milei is a phenomenon,’ said Benjamin Gedan, director of the Latin America and Argentina programs at Washington-based think-tank the Wilson Center, adding that his success at Sunday’s elections had rattled the two main political blocs.

‘His plague-on-both-your-houses message resonates among voters fed up with traditional political parties. And there are legions of these voters.’

Milei’s strong performance has turned the October election into a three-way scrap, challenging the governing Peronist coalition and the main conservative opposition grouping Together for Change, who came in close behind him in the primaries.

Whether or not he wins, his party will have significant sway in Congress and he will have a powerful platform for his unorthodox economic views, likely pressuring any government in power to shift to the right.

In his closing campaign event last week, Milei rocked into an arena, singing and surrounded by cheering fans. He has railed against the ‘caste’ of the political elite who he said were taking money out of voters’ pockets.

‘We are facing the end of the caste model,’ he said after the primary election results on Sunday.

‘Today we have stood up to say enough to the model of decadence. Today we took the first step for the reconstruction of Argentina.’

His jubilant supporters chanted: ‘We can feel it. Milei President!’

Ultra-liberal economist Javier Milei speaks during a rally following the results of the primaries, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 14 August 2023

Argentine presidential candidate of the La Libertad Avanza alliance, Javier Milei, reacts with Ramiro Marra, candidate for head of government of Buenos Aires, and Victoria Villarruel, candidate for vice-president, on stage at his campaign headquarters on the day of Argentina’s primary elections, in Buenos Aires, Argentina August 13, 2023

The rise of Milei, who described U.S. gangster Al Capone as a hero, reflects a wider regional trend in recent years that has seen Latin American politicians from outside mainstream parties rise to prominence with pledges to break up the status quo.

‘People are fed up with politicians,’ said Adriano Gabriel Zoccola, a 31-year-old lawyer from Buenos Aires who supports Milei because of his economic proposals and plans to slash government spending and cut the number of ministries.

‘If Argentina is going to have real change, something completely different has to emerge. I think that Javier is the right person,’ added Zoccola, who said he had previously voted for Together for Change.

Opponents say Milei’s proposals are unrealistic. 

That includes his plan to dollarise the economy, something most Argentines oppose despite rapid depreciation of the peso currency and high inflation. 

A dollar-peso peg introduced for similar reasons in the 1990s brought short-term benefits but ended in an ugly devaluation.

Diana Mondino, an economist and adviser to Milei who is running for Congress for his party, said his reputation for being unyielding was the reason many people didn’t like him but was also the very thing that made him successful.

‘He’s not willing to negotiate,’ said Mondino. ‘He’s willing to say: ‘What do we need to get things done?’ It might hurt, but it will get done.’

But Former Security Minister and member of the Together for Change coalition Patricia Bullrich has said she would be willing to work with Milei ahead of October’s elections.

‘As Argentines we live with distress, with fear, unable to dream, plan or live a normal life. 

‘But today we have reasons to work together, to guide and lead a profound change in Argentina, a change that leaves corruption behind forever, paving the way for austerity,’ Bullrich said.

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