I'm a teacher & here are five presents we really want this Christmas – and candles are NOT on the list | The Sun

FROM candles to chocolates, parents often opt for the easy option when it comes to buying a Christmas present for their children's teachers.

But if you're struggling to think a little bit more outside the box, then a teacher named Mrs. Wagenleitner has come to your rescue…because she's revealed what gifts they really want this year.

She explained how she surveyed a bunch of her teacher friends and asked them what gifts they've really enjoyed getting over the years, and she compiled a little list.

In the clip posted to TikTok (@kriswags3), she says the first thing is personalised gifts.

"It could be cups, tumblers, shirts, tote bags, anything that has the teacher's name on it," she explains.

"I just feel like those are very thoughtful and very intentional, and we love getting that kind of stuff.



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"It does require you to plan ahead, so that's definitely a gift where you have to have a little more time to order it in."

She goes on to say that the second item on her list is gift cards.


"Those are so underrated but very appreciated," she says.

"I mean, Starbucks gift cards, Amazon, Target, restaurants, like any kind of gift card.

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"We love receiving those because we can spend them when we want and how we want – those are really great gifts to give.

"If nothing else, run to the store, go grab a gift card and get it for your teacher – they'll love it."

Moving on, the teacher notes that the third thing on her list is
a small basket with a bunch of random little things.

"I feel like putting that together takes a little time, but you can literally throw anything in the basket," she says.

"So like teacher supplies, things that teachers like to keep at their desk, which would be scrunchies, Ibuprofen, mints, gum, sweets, snacks – just a little basket of things that the teacher really likes.

And last but not least, which is a free gift, is a handwritten note saying 'thank you' to your student's teacher.

"I love handwritten notes and just really writing out
why you appreciate them, why you value them, the growth that you've seen in your child," she explains.

"Anything written out like that is super special because I feel like a lot of times we don't get that affirmation, so to know from a parent that we're doing a good job…nothing beats that.

"That's priceless for me so that's number one on my list."

The post has since gone viral, racking up thousands of views and several comments from social media users.

"Yay! My daughter gave her teachers their gifts today and seems like I did good from this list lol" wrote one.

A second penned: "I’ve got a bunch of cute earrings that teachers love and adorable tote bags."

A third commented: "Gift card it is!"

Meanwhile, a fourth noted: "Thank you for this! Great ideas!"

And a further added: "This is so helpful! thank you!"

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