Better Call Saul theory: Where is Kim Wexler in Breaking Bad?

Breaking Bad: A look back at season one

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Fans of Breaking Bad are starting wonder about the crossovers between the drama and its prequel series Better Call Saul. So far, viewers learnt the fate of Lalo Salamanca (played by Tony Dalton) with fans suggesting he was part of Breaking Bad all along albeit six feet under. But what about Kim Wexler (Rhea Seehorn)?

WARNING: This article contains spoilers from Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul

Where is Kim in Breaking Bad?

The most recent episode of Better Call Saul marked a shift in the narrative after Kim told husband Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk) she was leaving.

She gave a sad speech to Jimmy before walking out with the show cutting forward to Saul’s decadent and gaudy mansion with Kim very much out of the picture.

Kim’s exit makes sense and fans have been wondering about the character because she doesn’t feature in Breaking Bad.

Instead, Kim was written for Better Call Saul with viewers questioning why she wasn’t in the picture and how she left Jimmy’s life before he encountered Walter White (Bryan Cranston) and Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul).

With a handful of episodes left before Better Call Saul’s grand finale, audience members have been wondering if Kim could show up at the end.

However, actress Seehorn wouldn’t be drawn into speculation, saying Kim’s departure was handled “so beautifully” by the writers and directors.

Seehorn said: “Listen, regardless of whether or not we see Kim again and in what capacity, this was a monumental ending of an era of their relationship.”

Her words suggest, Kim could show up at some point rather than completely ruling out a return at all.

This would mean she does fit into the Breaking Bad timeline in some capacity – but just what this would look like remains to be seen.

The actress went on to say: “Well, we all wondered, what is the thing that makes her not in Breaking Bad?

“I thought that sure, I mean, if she died by some wrongdoing of her own or of Jimmy’s before we saw him turn into Saul, which they do at the end of this episode, that’s its own kind of tragedy.”

Seehorn added to Deadline: “For me, her saying that we love each other and I’m not leaving you because of any loss of love, but instead this absolute despair of self-loathing at who she has become, and scratching and clawing, trying to figure out any way to get out of her own skin.”

The star said this decision gave Kim “agency” and she was trying to be “responsible for her own choices”.

Kim not only left behind her love but also stepped away from practicing law because she saw the impact she was having with death all around her.

Nonetheless, Kim still loves Jimmy and wants to be with him, and perhaps they may reunite somehow once he begins his new life as Gene Takovic.

There may still be more Gene flash-forwards to come, showing Saul in his post-Breaking Bad life working as a manager at a Cinnabon and trying to lay low.

In fact, there’s nothing to suggest Better Call Saul won’t go past these flash-forwards with Kim and Jimmy finding each other again.

This would be a huge contrast to the end of Breaking Bad, which concluded in death and destruction for hero-turned-villain Walter White (Bryan Cranston).

Addressing Kim’s last scenes, Seehorn teased: “For my money, when we end this and she’s packing, I don’t think she has an idea where she’s going.

“I think she’s a shell of a person, and it’s like, you know, one of those nameless, faceless people you’ll pass on the street and have no idea that they could have done so much.”

Better Call Saul season 6 is available to watch on AMC in America and on Netflix in the UK

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