Linda fights for Mick and Janine's baby in EastEnders

Linda Carter (Kellie Bright) is set to fight for custody of Mick and Janine’s baby in upcoming EastEnders scenes, following Mick’s presumed death.

Mick dived into the freezing cold sea on Christmas day last year with the aim of saving love of his life Linda after Janine drove their car off a cliff.

What he didn’t know was that Linda had already got herself to safety, though Mick wouldn’t be able to do the same.

Janine was soon arrested, having had a number of crimes exposed by daughter Scarlett over the Christmas dinner.

With Janine now serving a five year prison sentence and Mick presumed dead, Linda debates going for custody of the baby, and is thrilled when Alfie Moon (Shane Richie) offers his support.

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Alfie agrees to meet with a solicitor alongside Linda in order to set about moving things forward.

Though she has the support of her friend, Linda is upset when both Elaine Peacock and George Knight (Harriet Thorpe and Colin Salmon) make their feelings known, with neither of them having a positive viewpoint.

Unfortunately for Linda, Alfie, who is dealing with his own problems, ends up missing the meeting.

He seeks her out in the Queen Vic later to apologise, where Linda notices that Alfie isn’t his usual self, though he is quick to cover.

Will Linda continue with her mission to win custody of Mick and Janine’s baby?

And if she does, will she succeed?

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