Naked Attraction's Anna Richardson completely stunned by 'biggest penis ever'

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A Naked Attraction contestant left host Anna Richardson completely gobsmacked with the size of his penis.

36-year-old Rara from Hertfordshire was looking for her perfect man, but got more than she was bargaining for when Ozzy, who was posing in the blue box, showed off his ‘elephant trunk’.

The fetish model had been on the hunt for love, but was left speechless when she saw what Ozzy had to offer.

‘I think that’s too big. I’m very small down there,’ Rara shared.

Anna then commented: ‘Is that real?’ telling the cab driver from South London that it was one of the biggest penises ever seen on the show.

She even asked him if it was a ‘grower’, to which he gave a thumbs-up in confirmation.

However, it wasn’t long before Ozzy faced rejection, as Rara couldn’t handle his ‘huge’ penis.

‘It’s that penis – it’s huge,’ she said.

And it wasn’t the first time Ozzy had faced rejection for that reason, as he admitted that other girls had rejected him for the size of his penis too.

This comes after news that contestants on the Channel 4 series have to take matters into their own hands to fix any backstage problems they may be having.

It seems cold temperatures in the green room could be ruining certain contestants’ chances of finding love, with stars going to extra lengths to make sure they are in tip top shape before they are filmed in the buff.

Speaking to The Sun, a TV insider said: ‘The whole point of Naked Attraction is that your body is the thing that attracts a potential partner.

‘So the men have had to give themselves a little “fluff” while they’re in the cold room just so they’re as enhanced as they can be without being entirely indecent.

‘Though obviously this somewhat desperate measure has raised a few eyebrows among crew when they’ve seen it in action.’

However, bosses on the dating show have assured Naked Attraction stars that green room is heated to the ‘optimum’ temperature of 21C.

Naked Attraction is available to stream on All 4.

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