'Binge-drinking' mum's horrific abuse of three-month-old baby revealed after she left child alone in ASDA | The Sun

THE horrific abuse of a three-month-old baby was discovered after a monster mum abandoned her child in a pram outside Asda.

Julija Priadina, 32, inflicted horrific injuries to her three-month-old as she descended into a "catastrophic breakdown into alcohol abuse".

The "binge-drinking" mum violently beat her baby and would disturb her entire flat block when boozing, her neighbours said.

But the abuse was only revealed when a security guard noticed Julija downing wine whilst walking around the supermarket.

After seeing the mum swigging booze and walking into traffic with the baby in a pram, the security guard rushed to the child's aid when they saw the buggy left unattended for over a minute.

The horrified security guard then found the baby with over 30 injuries, including significant head trauma, numerous cuts and bruises and a black eye.

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Priadina returned shortly after emergency services were called, and tried to stop them assessing her baby before being arrested for the sickening crimes.

During her police interview Priadina concocted a lie that she had invited two men into her flat and they had inflicted the injuries while she went out to buy alcohol.

But CCTV footage proved she was lying and determined she was alone with her baby in the flat when she carried out the horrific assault.

The Russian-born mum ultimately pleaded guilty to child cruelty and wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm, and was jailed for three years, nine months in Birmingham Crown Court.

Priadina shared the flat with her partner and the baby's father, Shoja-ul-din Omrany.

54-year-old Omrany denied wilfully neglecting the child by failing to seek medical attention, and was found not guilty by a jury last week.

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Julija was sentenced back in January, but the case can only be told in full now following Mr Omrany's acquittal, as well as a successful application by Birmingham Live for reporting restrictions to be amended.

Prosecutor Nina Ellin said neighbours would describe arguments, shouting and screaming from the flat, with wine bottles and cans thrown out of the window and into the garden.

"One neighbour describes Priadina as a binge drinker," she said.

"When she is not drunk she is shy and quiet but when drunk the whole block knows about it.

"Another neighbour states the defendant can't handle her alcohol. She is abusive to her partner when she's drunk.

"They lock each other out of the flat and shout."

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Antonie Muller, defending Priadina, said: "Sober, one would have thought there's no problem here.

"She clearly had a catastrophic breakdown into alcohol abuse when she couldn't possibly care for her baby and no doubt was susceptible to reacting to her baby crying.

"It looks like she shook and gripped her baby very roughly. It was all relatively short-lived."

The lawyer claimed she suffered bereavement and grief issues following the loss of her parents as well as her young son in Lithuania to sudden infant death syndrome.

Mr Muller added: "It must have been horrendous and now she has got to live with the fact she's done this. It is quite a catalogue.

"She moved across the world to the UK no doubt wanting a better life.

"When she got here things didn't turn out to be as rosy as she thought."

Judge Roderick Henderson, passing sentence, said: "This was arguably a life-threatening injury and the truth of this is this was a disastrous period of a few days where an otherwise good mother lost complete control because you had a very serious drink problem at the time."

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