Wife brings home ‘arty’ new mirror and dirty-minded people all say same thing

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When a wife bought an "arty" new mirror for her home, she probably didn't expect to receive a reaction like this one.

Writer and actor Jack Docherty posted a picture of the questionable homeware item on Twitter after his wife brought it home from her shopping trip.

He accompanied the image with the simple caption: "My wife bought this arty mirror and I’m just wondering if anyone else is thinking what I’m thinking."

The mirror was simple – it was a portrait design – but it came with a twist.

There was a white shape on the mirror, which showed the image of two balls surrounded by some white dots. Need we say more?

To add to the unusual design – it takes up a good half of the mirror, which probably makes it a little difficult to see your reflection properly.

Since Jack posted the image online many people have replied, and most people are saying the same thing.

Comedian Dawn French replied with: "Yes, I'm thinking that."

Richard Osman chirped in with: "They certainly saw you coming."

Meanwhile Julie Buckley said: "It feels like it should light up and I'm not sure if that makes it worse, or better."

Another added: "Is anybody not thinking what you’re thinking?"

And a fifth joked: "Nine months bad luck if you break it?"

So far the tweet has received over 390,000 likes and nearly 25,000 people have also re-tweeted the picture.

Whether the mirror can be described as "arty" or not, it has certainly got a lot of people talking.

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